Inês Lopes da Silva, Maria Deolinda Ferreira dos Santos Auxtero


Drug-induced photosensitivity is an abnormal skin reaction in individuals exposed to radiation and certain drugs. A literature review was carried out through a database search such as Pubmed, Cochrane Library and Science Direct, in order to identify drugs that cause photosensitivity reactions and acknowledge the role of the pharmacist in the management and prevention of such reactions. Articles dated until 2020 were included both written in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

The prevalence of photosensitivity reactions depends on factors such as the geographical area and prescription and use habits. Various drug classes, namely NSAIDs (ketoprofen and piroxicam), Antifungals, Antibiotics (tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones), Antihypertensive, Statins, Antiarrhythmics (amiodarone), Retinoids e Chemotherapeutics (vemurafenib), are among the most frequently associated with the induction of photosensitivity reactions. Chronic exposure to these drugs may be associated with na increased risk of photocarcinogenesis.

A wide range of drugs, including the ones not subject to medical prescription, may induce photosensitivity, meaning that additional photo-protection precautions must be applied to the patient. The role of the pharmacist plays an important part in the medical counselling, prevention and management of eventual cutaneous reactions associated to those therapeutics.




Photosensitivity; Drugs; Photoallergy; Phototoxicity; Photoprotection

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46691/es.v0i0474


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