Peixoto Joelma, Olivia Rodrigues Pereira, Isabel Cristina Pinto


Introduction: Aging is a dynamic process in which biochemical and physiological changes are related to a higher frequency of pathological processes, which ultimately lead the human being to death. Part of these alterations and pathologies are improved using medicines, so the older adult are great consumers of medicines. Several instruments have been used to evaluate the use of inappropriate medications in the older adult, being Beers Criteria frequently used. The concept of medication adherence has undergone changes over time and represents the degree to which the patient's behaviour corresponds and agrees with the recommendations of a doctor or other health professional. Medication non-adherence to entails a decrease in the quality of life of the patients and high costs for the health systems. Objectives: To characterize drug therapy in older adult users of a northern Portuguese community pharmacy, as well as to identify the presence of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) in the older adult and to assess medication adherence. Methods: Exploratory and descriptive study. The target population was older adult users of a community pharmacy in the municipality of Valpaços, Portugal. The data collection instrument used was a questionnaire applied in the form of a structured interview. The potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) identification was based on the most recent version of the Beers Criteria, published in 2019. The MAT (Measurement of Adherence to Treatments) scale was used to evaluate medication adherence. The statistical treatment included the calculation of absolute and relative frequencies, measures of central tendency and dispersion. Results: 60 older adult people were interviewed, 53.3% of them women.  The average age was 78.35 years. Among these, 55.0% were married/had a non-marital partner, 71.7% lived accompanied, 26.7% had primary school education, 40.0% received less than 300 euros monthly and 95.0% lived in Valpaços municipality. Each older adult person consumes on average 6 different medications per day. Major polymedication was present in 66.7% of older adult, being 94.2% of the drugs prescribed by the physician. In 34.7% of the cases, the medication had been used for at least 1 year and only 3.4% reported feeling adverse reactions. Of the total 326 drugs identified, the most prescribed pharmacotherapeutic groups were drugs acting in cardiovascular system 27.2% and in digestive system 24.2%. Additionally, 15 drugs classified as potentially inappropriate medication were identified in the older adult. Most of the older adult (76.7%) don’t adhere to drug therapy, these being mainly female, with primary education, living with a partner and less than 300 euros/month. Conclusion: Polymedication and the use of potentially inappropriate medications are common in the older adult. Medication adherence is low.


Idosos, Adesão a terapêutica, Farmacoterapia, Critérios de Beers.

Texto Completo:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46691/es.v0i0473


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